Community & Organizational Improvement

We specialize in developing collaborative efforts to improve community health status. A nationally recognized expert in community development, we have served dozens of health care organizations, human service agencies, organized philanthropy, local, state and national government and non-governmental agencies in the United States.

In addition to providing direct consultation, we have published, lectured and taught others about the theory, strategies, and methods of community development.

As the Director of Community Development for Felix, Burdine and Associates, and in his role as a community development specialist, Charles Wiltraut has developed a national reputation for excellence in assisting communities and clients with community development needs, for example:

  • Low income groups, youth/school populations, and recipients of public health and human services Health policy
  • Planning at the national, state and local level focused on issues such as: Community primary care service delivery; national, state and local partnerships; and strategic planning sessions
  • Development of technical assistance and support systems for continuous health status improvement (for institutions and communities)
  • Implementation of various health improvement projects
  • Evaluation of health status improvement interventions by community partnerships

Specific services are listed below.

     What's Been Requested the Most in 2014 ...

1. Professional Recruitment and Retention strategy development
Assisting clients in reviewing and developing recruitment and retention strategies for professionals from job descriptions that incorporates important community and organizational characteristics and values to on-site activities and offer and acceptance details.

2. Grant and Request for Proposal (RFP) Review and Writing
Working with clients to determine if grant or an RFP is within scope and appropriate to pursue. We have a team of outstanding reviewers and writers to help sort through, organize and submit a successful document! We also act as independent reviewers: we review documents prepared by other firms and prepare clear and constructive comments.

3. Web-Site: Review, development, redesign and support
We work with you regarding your web-site: does it appropriately represent your organization or community? We are working with associations to offer their members web-site review and development services. We are also working with small and large organizations to ensure that their web-presence if as effective as possible

4. Board Recruitment and Development
Assembling a Board of Directors who can more than adequately oversee the mission and services of an organization is crucial to the success and legacy of an organization. We are working to recruit, orient, train, transition and support effective Boards of Directors. We have developed board selection criteria and processes that are compliant with by-laws.

Community Health System Improvement Services

Community Development
Technical assistance provided to clients on establishing a community development strategy from purpose development to partner selection and community-based and follow-up activities. Click here to learn more .
A case studies section can be accessed by clicking here .

Conversion Foundations
We have had the honor and privilege to work with conversion foundations in establishing their funding priorities and roles for their boards. Two recent success stories include the Caring For Colorado Foundation and the Carlisle Area Health and Wellness Foundation .

Government, Community and Public Relations
Being involved in policy development from the local to the national level, our relationships with current (and former) elected and appointed officials, and our affiliation with a Washington, D.C. based lobbying firm, we could assist you with your policy initiatives or help you establish a policy agenda/strategy.

In addition, my experience as a campaign strategist and by virtue of the community development process, we have developed a set of relationship building and community/public relations skills that could be of service to you or your organization.

Team Building and Organization Development
We have facilitated strategic planning sessions for public and private, and for-profit and not-for-profit associations and their executive staff, boards of directors and advisory councils. We can work with you on and around board development and training, team building, organizational development, association goal-setting and other services to help you establish and reach your goals.

Special Services/Projects and Other Requests
Our skill set, experience and process mechanics can easily translate to and be customized for your community and organizational needs. If you are interested in improving oral health for a specific population in your service area or you need to establish sales goals for a division of your company, we can assist... so let's talk !