CJW & Associates: Accomplishments

Senior Program Advisor – National Health Service Corps (NHSC) – Rockville , MD

  • Working with federal staff, call center management, call center staff and other vendors in the execution of a federal contract
  • Providing support to call center staff, clinicians and sites of care through clarification of federal policy and procedures with regards to participating in various programs of the National Health Service Corp (NHSC), a division within the United States Department of Health and Human Services
  • Transfer of knowledge of NHSC Policy and Programs to Senior Management and Program Advisors of the call center: the Recruitment, Training and Support Center (RTSC)
  • Assisting in the development and facilitation of call/customer support center training, processes and protocol and evolution of the role of staff to be more functionally aligned (i.e., specialty advisors)
  • Planning, facilitation and participation in federal meetings, trainings and conferences related to the project
  • Identifying guest speakers and panelists for various NHSC conferences
  • Generating and reporting monthly status of activities, trends and themes and process improvement suggestions for call center management and federal staff
  • Initiating and receiving a high volume of telephone, electronic mail and face-to-face interactions with a diverse constituency: clinicians, site staff, federal staff and call center staff
  • Created format for interacting with each of the 50 States Department of Health
  • Working with 50 State Primary Care Offices and Primary Care Associations regarding NHSC Policy and Programs with a particular focus on marketing the NHSC and State Loan Repayment Programs as viable options for communities and sites to consider meeting their clinical recruitment and retention needs. This involves new site identification as well as supporting existing sites through information exchanges and training around NHSC site requirements and expectations like the development and use of a Sliding Fee Schedule (SFS), understanding HPSA's and Auto-HPSA's, and Uniformed Data Systems (UDS) reporting
  • Working with State PCO's and PCA's on reporting to their Governors and other elected appointed officials regarding the NHSC Program impact and support for each state
  • Presents at the Annual Primary Care Office (PCO) Conference as to what the NHSC-RTSC is and its services, national trends and models that work
  • Supporting NHSC Scholars in the match process by establishing and monitoring placement goals, review and improvement of resumes and mach interviewing
  • Working with NHSC Scholars on “creative marketing” – if a Scholar is a MD/Pediatrician, can also look at MD/Family Practice because Pediatricians can see and treat people aged 0 to 21
  • Supporting NHSC Scholars in the match process by supplying sample offer, acceptance and start date verification letters, and reviewing these match documents as they come in to the NHSC-RTSC
  • Monitoring sites and clinicians fulfilling their NHSC service obligation to ensure compliance with federal requirements
  • Working with sites on developing recruitment and retention plans, registering new sites or expanding existing ones and posting vacancies on the NHSC Opportunity List
  • Responsible for maintaining accurate site contact and vacancy information
  • Efforts have resulted in successful scholar matches, accurate vacancy information, new sites and improved knowledge of NHSC policy, programs and expectations, and how to best partner with the NHSC

Senior Consultant – Neighborhood Health Centers of the Lehigh Valley – Allentown , PA

  • Working with senior management from 3 major hospitals in Lehigh Valley, PA, a local foundation, local leaders and various elected and appointed officials regarding the Neighborhood Health Centers of the Lehigh Valley (NHCLV) Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) process and status report
  • Facilitated Board meetings and special key informant meetings that have increased knowledge and support of NHCLV FQHC efforts to improve the finance and delivery of health care services
  • Facilitated the establishment of Board mission, vision and by-laws to provide focus to efforts and compliance with FQHC requirements
  • Established and conducted site-visits to area hospitals and FQHC's that have improved Board knowledge of the finance and delivery of health care services
  • Writing FQHC grant that involves governance, service delivery, financing and community outreach/public affairs components
  • Drafting memos of understanding/agreement to be used among and between local health care providers, assuring the sound delivery of health care services

Senior Consultant – Yale New Haven Health Systems – Greenwich , CT

  • Working with Chief Executive Officer and Senior Vice President regarding the strategy and facilitation of the Greater Greenwich Community Health Improvement Partnership (GCHIP)
  • Designed and implemented a general population health status survey, facilitated community discussion groups and analyzed available secondary data that were used to establish GCHIP which creates a community forum that prioritizes health issues and identifies opportunities for health care service improvement
  • Planned and facilitated several regional health summits that hosted elected and appointed officials from States of Connecticut and New York for policy and community discussions that increased public awareness and support of health issues and health improvement efforts (at the individual and systemic level)
  • Work with Governor John G. Rowland and Governor Jodi Rell, United States Senator Dood and Libermans Offices and the office of Congressman Christopher Shays that have resulted in their office being represented and GCHIP events
  • To date, over 75 outcomes came as a result of this partnership that have increased knowledge of community health issues, built support for existing resources, facilitated the development of new or enhanced health care services including the recruitment and retention of a pediatric dentist to the community that sees everyone regardless of ability to pay and the establishment of free public walking paths
  • GCHIP has been nominated and recognized for various state and national community health improvement awards
  • Working on public affairs including media relations, radio and newspaper interviews and developing GCHIP web-site

Senior Consultant – Various Projects

  • Facilitated Strategic Planning Session for the Retail Council of the Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association of America (SBCA) that established an action plan that was implemented and assisted in increasing visibility, credibility and significance of the Retail Council
  • Senior Community Health Development consultant for the HRSA Mississippi Delta Health Initiative (Missouri) that focused-on a regional effort to coordinate services and resources to improve access to care and improve health outcomes which led to the development of community outreach partnerships among community stakeholders such as health care organizations, social service agencies, public and private schools, faith-based organizations, businesses, and other not-for-profit and for-profit organizations, and the development of a regional service and resource referral system
  • Consultant to the Kansas City Centers for Disease Control REACH 2010 National Chronic Disease Prevention Program that established a community-based network that is examining ways to promote health within the neighborhoods, churches and the community of Kansas City, Missouri. The KC-CDC is addressing the high prevalence of diabetes and cardiovascular disease among African-Americans and Hispanics and has seen outcomes including healthy meal planning and preparation.
  • Facilitation and Strategic Planning Consultation for the Greater Midwest Association of Primary Healthcare that identified priorities that across eleven states such as championing the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) program as a key player in the local health care system which translated in each state increasing its marketing, outreach and site development strategies
  • Senior Consultant to the Missouri Primary Care Association (MO-PCA)
  • Assisted the MO-PCA in expanding from a 3 person staff and a $350K budget to a 21 Person Staff with a budget that peaked at $12M over a 3.5 year time period
  • Introduced the Federally Qualified Health Center (FAHC) Program to 5 communities, each who applied and was awarded FQHC new Access Point (NAP) status – this represents $3.2M in grant dollars
  • Provided strategic planning, FQHC Expansion, HCAP and Disease Collaborative consultation to the MPCA and its member-centers
  • Worked with the Executive Director in selecting Grace Hill Neighborhood Health Center as the site where then Governor Bush announced his support of the FQHC Program
  • Facilitated community meetings and a strategic planning for the Carlisle Area Health and Wellness Foundation that led to the expansion of health services and the establishment of a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Look Alike known as the Sadler Clinic
  • Facilitated strategic planning sessions for The Center for Advancing Community Health Project which led to program priority establishment and implementation planning
  • Facilitated strategic planning sessions for Michigan Covering Kids and Families Robert Wood Johnson project that resulted in improved state and local outreach and enrollment strategies
  • Facilitation and organization of the Idaho Oral Health Alliance , First Annual Oral Health Summit which increased awareness of dental health issues and built support for state best practice models in terms of access to dental care services
  • Contributor to, and serving on the Editorial Board of Aspen Publishing Company for the Community Health Educational and Promotional Manual (Year 2002), a manual used by elected and appointed health officials, hospitals, community health planners and foundations
  • Responsible for client relationships and project management for 8-12 projects per year
  • Independently generated 15% of company's 2000 gross income
  • Developed and implemented firm's web development strategy
  • Specifically requested by the Director of the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) to assist in developing the strategy to seek congressional funding (a $121.3 million dollar request to congress) based on my role in the development of marketing materials including a NHSC video, several posters, and two NHSC Impact Reports – the NHSC was reauthorized!
  • Established and facilitated community/project meetings for all ten (10) of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Field Offices that increased awareness of HRSA and its programs
  • Co-facilitated and wrote the proceedings from the Association of the Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU) initial strategic/marketing planning session that took the ACU from a member-less $300,000 organization to a $2.3 million dollar and 2,000 plus membership association
  • Co-created the first NHSC Student/Resident Experiences and Rotations in Community Health (SEARCH) on-line manual currently being used as a model for 22 other state programs
  • Provided technical assistance in the implementation of the Bureau of Primary Health Care's (BPHC) national campaign to “Increase Access to 100% and Reduce Health Disparities to Zero” - as a result of this technical assistance, 15 states signed-on as national campaign partners
  • Facilitated meetings and brokered relationships in three communities in Missouri that resulted in the planning of three community health centers (estimated total amount of federal resources that can potentially reach these communities: $900,000)
  • Facilitated meetings and brokered relationships in five counties in Tennessee that produced an executive summary that was used to make a legislative request to a special Tennessee TennCare Commission to appropriate funding to support health care safety net service providers (estimates presently at several hundred thousand dollars)
  • Co-created and facilitated for the Arkansas Healthy Hometown Initiative with the Community Health Centers of Arkansas and the Arkansas Department of Health that has over 20 state agencies involved and implemented a series of community meetings and generated a report that was used in the application for a $1.2 million dollar grant
  • Co-developed an on-line course for the American College of Health Care Executives (ACHE) that has be one of the top draws and renewed each year since its inception in 1998
  • Developed and facilitated health education seminars for Southwestern Vermont Health Care that allowed for relationships and resources to be committed to local health improvement activities (institutional and community buy-in and support)
  • Developed and facilitated the 1998 New Jersey Rural Health Association Annual Conference
  • Co-created the Bethlehem Area School District Student Health survey – the first of it's kind in Pennsylvania – that resulted in the gathering of critical health data and the establishment of a student health resource room with financial and staff support from the school district
  • Facilitated community benefit strategy development meetings for Tenet Healthcare Corporation as part of their acquisition of eight hospitals from the Allegheny Health System. This involved meeting with Tenet Corporate (Dallas , TX) and Tenet Philadelphia Senior Management to establish and implement a community outreach strategy with survey and community discussion group components. The community outreach strategy produced priorities that cut across all eight hospitals as well as unique opportunity areas for the individual hospital.
  • Facilitated community based health improvement partnerships tasks groups for the second largest health system in Delaware ( Bayhealth Systems, Inc. ) that resulted in several community projects, including the first ever Southern Delaware Health Summit that brought together three competing hospitals in order to develop a collaborative health improvement agenda for the region, and a program connecting high school kids to internships and employment
  • Facilitated community based health improvement partnerships tasks groups for Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center (MRMC) that resulted in improved delivery of health care services at school-based health centers

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – Allentown , PA
District Chief of Staff, State Representative Patrick M. Browne (131 st State Legislative District)

  • One of the youngest Chief's of Staff in the Pennsylvania Legislature
  • Responsible for facilitation relationships with constituents, and local, state and federal elected and appointed officials and their staff
  • Managed public affairs for the Honorable Patrick M. Browne, managing media interactions and representing the representative at various hearings, testimonies, meetings and events when the Representative was unavailable, also attended these events accompanying Representative Browne
  • Co-developed and implemented new constituent services (i.e., waiving of “walking around money,” extended hours and rotating office locations) that lead to the addition of sections to Pennsylvania Legislatures New Members Orientation Manual
  • Initiated Small Business outreach strategy that involved a door-to-door visit of businesses in the District to listen to their needs and solicit their advice on how Representative Browne can best support their efforts
  • Initiated and managed meetings that cut-across party lines to create a Lehigh Valley, PA base of elected and appointed officials to maximize legislative power in order for the Lehigh Valley to benefit from legislative activities. Marked improvement of collaboration among and between a diverse set of politically aligned officials.
  • Initiated and managed the Keck Park Revitalization effort in East Allentown, PA that involved organizing neighborhood/citizen work groups to refurbish the park that has lead to a an increase of funds from near zero to approximately to $60,000
  • Brokered a relationship between a local university and a homeless shelter for donation of sanitary mattresses to replace cloth mattresses as well as increase student volunteerism at the shelter
  • Worked on various policy research activities supporting the Representative in sponsoring or co-sponsoring legislation
  • Mitigated constituent case work

Independent Political Consultant – Allentown , PA

  • Responsible with the incumbent or candidate to develop campaign platform, strategy, and campaign team
  • Represented the incumbent or candidate at various public, private and party-related meetings and events when the incumbent or candidate was unavailable, also attended these events when the incumbent or candidate was available
  • Developed press releases, direct mailing pieces, radio and television advertisements, debate preparation, and election day strategy
  • Contributed the development and implementation of a voter telephone survey; translated and applied telephone survey results for strategy development and modification
  • Research policy, current and proposed legislation, local issues and events, and opponent research
  • Recruit and manage campaign volunteers
  • Developed a campaign strategy that enabled a candidate to with .8% name recognition pre-primary to victory in the general election
  • Youngest Lehigh County Political Party Executive Committee Member
  • •One of the youngest elected delegates to one of the major parties 1992 National Convention
  • Appearance on C-SPAN with United States Senator Arlen Specter regarding military health affairs
  • Numerous requests to manage or co-manage campaigns and develop campaign platforms from city council level to Presidential races
  • Invited to Presidential Inaugurations