Sample Data from
The National Health Survey

Among the 194-items in The National Health Survey, eighteen were selected as "banner points" to cross tabulate against the other items. The National Health Survey Report contains 160+ pages of data tables plus more than 120 charts and graphs. The following "buttons" will allow you to examine different aspects of The National Health Survey data set as either data tables or charts. Select the factors you wish to examine and pick the presentation format. Each section contains a brief excerpt from The National Health Survey Report pertaining to the data in the tables and charts.

SF-12 Health Status Measures
"Fair/Poor" Health Status by Income Groups and by Educational Attainment
Physical Functioning (SF-12 score) by Insurance Category and by Educational Attainment
Persons who have considered suicide in the past 12 months by Income Groups and by Insurance Group
Frequencies of Physician-diagnosed Conditions
Annual Professional Breast Exam (females by Income Groups and by Health Status
Cigarette Smoking by Insurance Groups and by Health Status Groups
Satisfaction with Health Insurance Plans by Insurance Groups and by continuity of coverage
Utilization of Hospital Emergency Rooms and Clinics by Insurance Groups
Utilization of Human Services by Household Members


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