Community Health Center, Federally Qualified Health Center, Strategic Planning, Board, Board Training, Grant Writing, Grant Review, Health Planning
    Professional Profile/Bio for Charles J. "Chuck" Wiltraut

A graduate of Lehigh University, with majors in Government and History with study concentrations in Social Relations and Environmental Sciences.

  Charles J. "Chuck" Wiltraut

For several years, I was a political campaign strategist, assisting incumbents and candidates in formulating platforms, with a particular focus on health and community involvement strategies. My success in campaigns allowed me to be appointed to county level party positions and was one of the youngest elected delegates to a party's national convention in 1992.

I also have legislative/policy exposure and experience at the federal level, specifically preparing testimonies and briefing packets for members of the United States Senate. I had a brief appearance on C-SPAN in 1992 regarding military health affairs. I served as one of the youngest Chief's of Staff (legislative assistant) for a state representative in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania prior to joining the firm of Felix, Burdine and Associates, Inc. (a national health care consulting firm). While serving as chief of staff, I facilitated the development and implementation of several community-based programs and initiatives, one in particular where I brokered city and county officials and community members in organizing task groups and securing funds for the revitalization of a recreational park. In addition, I assisted in re-establishing the role and function of the representative's district office that saw the initiation of rotating office hours and regularly scheduled town hall meetings. Based on the success of these strategies, both parties incorporated templates in their new member orientation manuals.

As the Director of Community Development for Felix, Burdine and Associates (FBA), my responsibilities focused on the orientation and application of community health development strategies. I served as primary project manager for FBA's broadest partnership projects in Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas. The outcomes of these efforts include project purpose, strategy development and implementation, the formation of state and community-based partnerships, not-for-profit board reorganization, and task-group specific work including a youth fair that connected over 30 adolescents to internships with potential employers, and a legislative increase in funding for safety net providers.

I applied my knowledge, skills and experience to FBA's National Health Service Corps (NHSC), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) projects where I managed community development meetings in over 20 states and 40 communities. I also had the privilege of co-producing a video, several state posters, a national vignette report, and a report that communicates the impact of the NHSC in communities across the country for the 25 th Anniversary Celebration of the NHSC in April of 1998. As a result I was asked to assist the NHSC in developing part of their reauthorization strategy - a request for $121.3 millions dollars from congress -for the year 2000.

With other staff at FBA, I co-facilitated the first strategic planning session for the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU) that assisted in establishing association operating principles, process and protocols, including membership recruitment and improved web site development. In addition, I co-developed on-line courses for the American College of Health Care Executives (ACHE), and co-facilitated the 1998 New Jersey Rural Health Association's annual meeting. I contributed to FBA's website design, as well as project related web-based work including the first on-line manual for the NHSC Student/Resident Experiences and Rotations in Community Health (SEARCH) Program, a 14 county population health status assessment in Texas, and a persons with disabilities assessment in Pennsylvania.

  • To see a complete list of accomplishments, please click here.

  • A list of some of the literature I worked on can be viewed here.