Community Health Center, Federally Qualified Health Center, Strategic Planning, Board, Board Training, Grant Writing, Grant Review, Health Planning
    Helpful Web Links

The web pages are in alphabetical order based on broad interest area headings.

Best Health Practice Models

  • A report on Improving Health in The Community by the Institutes of Medicine that covers defining health (broader determinants), a health improvement process and disease specific examples can be found at:

  • For best practice networks of professionals collaborating to transform health, click here:

  • The Bureau of Primary Health Care's (BPHC) Models That Work web site can be accessed by clicking here:

  • The University of Kansas Community Toolbox with sections covering assessment, strategic planning and grant writing can be accessed here:

  • National Housing Institutes Community Building and Community Organizing issue brief on creating effective models can be found at:

  • The Agency for Health Care Policy Research offers tools, tips and case studies for consumers and patients, clinical information, data and surveys, and funding opportunities:

  • This website was designed to assist health care professionals and administrators in finding pertinent resources, both on and off the Internet. A wealth of links and reference materials are available here for career enhancement, employment searches, and professional development. You will also find resources in this executive toolbox linking you to many other health topics, such as medical legal issues, industry news, corporations, medical research, healthcare legislative and policy concerns, professional associations, management strategies, human resources and more:

  • To view 20 Measures of Sustainability, please visit:

  • Tremendous link site for health issues related to violence and other issues, as well as links to general best practice, assessment, and legal sites can be accessed here:

Foundations and Grants

Health Data and Statistics

Health Economics

  • Various studies that demonstrate the economic impact (value) of health care on the community can be viewed at:,,

  • The professional's guide to health economics, medical and pharmacy resources on the Internet:

  • Health Reform Online (HRO) is an information resource for healthcare managers, analysts and decision makers who want to learn more about the economics and financing of health care delivery in developing countries. The site is hosted by the World Bank. To learn more, click here: Health Policy and Health Systems

  • The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) is a nonprofit public policy research institute. This website offers a wealth of analysis, debate, and in-depth research from around the world. To view health topics, click here:

  • The National Health Policy Forum (NHPF) is a nonpartisan education and information exchange program primarily serving federal legislative and executive agency staff working in health care and related areas. Its goal is to foster more informed government decision making by promoting broader interaction among opinion leaders in the public and the private sectors, to learn more, click here:

  • The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) was founded in 1975 in the belief that legislative service is one of democracy's worthiest pursuits. Representing the citizens of a district and the people of a state is the very essence of free government. The National Conference of State Legislatures is a bipartisan organization dedicated to serving the lawmakers and staffs of the nation's 50 states, its commonwealths and territories. The Conference is a source for research, publications, consulting services, meetings and seminars. It is the national conduit for lawmakers to communicate with one another and share ideas. To access this site, click here:

  • The National Health Law Program is a national public interest law firm that seeks to improve health care for America's working and unemployed poor, minorities, the elderly and people with disabilities. NHeLP serves legal services programs, community-based organizations, the private bar, providers and individuals who work to preserve a health care safety net for the millions of uninsured or under insured low-income people. A great source for research, advocacy, child health, racial and cultural issues and links. Check it out at:

  • The Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA) is the nation's most prominent trade association representing the private health insurance system. Its 294 members provide health, long-term care, dental, disability, and supplemental coverage to more than 123 million Americans. It is the nation's premier provider of self-study courses on health insurance and managed care. To read more about HIAA, click

  • The Electronic Policy Networks web page regarding recent health care policy:

  • Mathematica Policy research has policy information in the following categories: health, welfare, nutrition) at

  • The National Governors Association website has state policies and best practices:

  • A recent "hot topic": tobacco settlement. A web site that sought to keep the public informed of developments in the effort by states attorney general offices:

Policy Research

  • FedLaw was developed to see if legal resources on the Internet could be a useful and cost-effective research tool for Federal lawyers and other Federal employees. Fedlaw has assembled references of use to people doing Federal legal research and which can be accessed directly through "point and click" hypertext connections:

  • This was the referring site for the above link:

  • This site will cover the major legislative and executive branch publications of the U.S. Government. Many of these publications are now available, full text, via the World Wide Web:

  • A "meaty" web-site that focuses on the U.S. Legislative Branch and then some:

  • A division of the Library of Congress that prepares short, neutral reports on legislative initiatives and other topics at the request of Congress:

  • GPO Gate is a service of the Libraries of the University of California as members of the Federal Depository Library Program. The gateway provides access to the full-text databases made available by the GPO Access service of the Government Printing Office in Washington, D.C:

  • Select federal government web sites:

  • An excellent primer for federal searches. Information from the U. S. Government is appearing with increasing frequency on the Internet. In many cases the Internet is the only place to locate important government information. Virtually all agencies now maintain their own web pages, on which are linked statistical data, news releases and other full-text publications. As time passes, more data will be in online format rather than standard print sources. In the future, searching the Web will become the primary means of locating government data. This "hands-on" workshop is designed to demonstrate how to maximize retrieval of federal government information on the Web:

Rural Health Policy and Grants

  • The Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) conducts policy-relevant research and facilitates public dialogue to assist policymakers in understanding the rural impacts of public policies and programs. Many policies which are not explicitly "rural policies" nevertheless have substantial implications for rural areas, and RUPRI is dedicated to understanding and articulating these implications. RUPRI utilizes an inter-disciplinary approach to facilitate understanding of the rural impacts of public policies and to provide decision support to policy makers:

  • Home of the Rural Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community Program:

  • The Rural Health WebRing is comprised of sites dedicated to rural health issues - it includes government, educational and health agency websites from around the world:

  • A study showing that the "Rural/Urban Differences in Health Care Are Not Uniform Across States":

  • The Rural Studies Program was created in November of 1994 by the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority to research issues shaping the future of rural America. To learn more, please visit:

  • The Project HOPE Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis was established in September 1996 to conduct timely research on issues affecting health care in rural America. Current projects are funded by the Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP), the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Check it out at:

  • California's Rural Health Policy Council has a web site taht organizes funding opportunities by sources:

  • The Michigan Center for Rural Health Grants organizes funding opportunities - public and private:

  • The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy has a section on its web-site "Funding Information: Grants to Rural Providers and State Programs" click here to learn more:

The Safety Net

  • "America's Health Care Safety Net: Intact but Endangered" released in 2000 by the Institute of Medicine can be viewed at

  • The Role of TennCare in Health Policy for Low-Income People in Tennessee. In 1994, Tennessee embarked upon a major health care reform. The state attempted to expand coverage to all low-income people in the state and to rely on private managed care plans as the mechanism for delivering care to new eligibles and those traditionally covered by Medicaid. The intent was to save enough money through efficiencies wrought through managed care and by converting federal and state payments made directly to hospitals for indigent care to payments for insurance coverage. These funds, together with some new state tax revenues, were expected to finance the expansion of coverage. To learn more, click here:

  • The policy and market-driven changes in the health care sector taking place across the country are not confined to metropolitan areas. Rural communities are experiencing changes impelled by many of the same forces that are affecting urban areas. To read more about Supporting the Rural Health Care Safety Net, click here:

  • An executive summary of the status of America's health care safety net can be viewed at: State Child Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP)

  • The Health Care Financing Administration's (HCFA) informational website on the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) that is intended to provide materials of interest to various audiences regarding the passage of SCHIP, also known as Title XXI, as part of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 is located at:

  • The Start Healthy, Stay Healthy campaign is a national outreach effort conducted by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a private, nonprofit research and policy organization based in Washington, D.C. Since 1994, the campaign has been enlisting a wide array of community-based organizations, health and human services providers, advocacy groups, program administrators and others to identify children from low-income working families who may be eligible for free or low-cost health insurance programs. The campaign also promotes coordination between newly enacted state child health insurance programs and Medicaid to ensure that children are not in danger of being left without coverage. To learn more, please visit:

  • CHIP: A Look at Emerging State programs from the Urban Institute:

  • The Children's Defense Fund site that provides a SCHIP overview with some specific "takes" on populations, states and policies

  • A web site that looks at the entire family structure and impacts of policies:

  • The American Academy of Pediatrics: