Special Projects in Oral Health

The HRSA/HCFA Oral Health Initiative (OHI) is one of several national efforts to place attention on the need for improved oral health care. The Initiative is a collaborative effort of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). I have had the opportunity to translate our state-community policy change strategy to our work with the HRSA/HCFA Oral Health Initiative. Together, we have developed a state oral health strategy whose purpose is to change both state and local policies and practices to improve oral health status. The components of the policy change strategy include:

  • Policy briefing and orientation with/from federal and state staff,
  • Purpose statement, desired outcomes and strategy components for the state oral health strategy discussed and decided,
  • State Oral Health Summit development and facilitation,
  • State Oral Health Coalition building and development for oral health improvement,
  • Community meetings to gather information, advice and/or support (5-7 across the state) in follow up to or in preparation for a state oral health summit, and
  • Legislative briefings and legislation development.

Since 1999, I have worked in Montana, North Dakota, Utah, Maryland and Missouri to implement state oral health improvement strategies. To read more about our oral health efforts please click here. I developed a policy brief in February 2001 that describes the short term outcomes from several state dental summits as a component of the strategy. Click here to access that report in adobe acrobat format.

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Copyright © 2002 Charles Wiltraut.