Research, Papers and Publications

A list of some of the literature I worked on.

Felix, Michael; Burdine, James; Abel, Amy; Wiltraut, Charles; and Musselman, Yvette. The Social Reconnaissance for Understanding Women's Health in Winning in the Women's Health Marketplace. Genie, James (Ed.). New York, Jossey Bass, 2000.

Burdine, James; Felix, Michael; Abel, Amy; Wiltraut, Charles; and Musselman, Yvette. The SF-12 as a Population Health Measure: Potential for Application. Health Services Research, October 2000.

Burdine, James; Felix, Michael; Wallerstein, Nina; Abel, Amy; Wiltraut, Charles; Musselman, Yvette; and Stidley, Chris. Measurement of Social Capital: Validation of a Community-based Survey Instrument (Abstract). The Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Spring 2000.

Association for Health Services Research 15 th Annual Meeting, The Social Reconnaissance: A Rapid Assessment Technique for Identifying Resource, Challenges, Opportunities and Community Capacity for Implementing Health Improvement Strategies. Felix, Michael, R.J., Abel, Amy Llewellyn, Wiltraut, Charles, and Burdine, James N., Washington, D.C. June.

Association for Health Services Research 15 th Annual Meeting, Population-Based Community Health Status Assessment: Baseline Data for Measuring the Impact of the National Health Service Corps. Burdine, James N., Felix, Michael, R.J., Abel, Amy Llewellyn, Wiltraut, Charles, Tarlov, Alvin, and Safran, Dana Gelb, Washington, D.C. June.

National Health Service Corps 25 th Anniversary Conference. National Health Service Corps Assessment Project. Felix, Michael R.J., Burdine, James N., Llewellyn-Abel, Amy and Wiltraut, Charles, Washington, D.C., April.

The National Advisory Council of the National Health Service Corps 1997 Policy Symposium. The National Health Service Corps Impact Assessment. Felix, Michael R.J.; Burdine, James N.; Llewellyn-Abel, Amy; and Wiltraut, Charles, Bethesda, Maryland, September.