Population Health Status Survey (HSS)
have found that improving health often begins with a health status
assessment and a population health survey is often a component
to this process. The technology and methodology have been developed
to help identify, collect, analyze, and apply health status information
about a particular community. Called a Community
and Population Health Status Assessment (CHSA), this
tool allows a community to develop precise indicators of the health
status of the community in general as well as of specific subgroups
with particular health problems and risk factors. The assessment
is useful both for the data and insights it provides and for organizing,
implementing, and evaluating community health
improvement interventions. The population health survey utilized
in our work gathers data on access to health and human services
(including barriers to access), consumer satisfaction with primary
care services, functional health status, diseases and disabilities,
behavioral risk factors, insurance coverage and basic demographics.
I have found there to be seven major steps for the successful
design and implementation of a population-based community health
status survey.
Steps to the Design and Implementation of a HSS
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